Symphony of Praise II
Great Classical Music & Great Hymns blended together
Featuring Linda McKechnie, Pianist
and the Don Marsh Orchestra
Includes: Because He Lives (with Tchaikovskys 1812 Overture); I Will Sing of the Mercies of the Lord (with Brandenburg Concerto #3 by Bach); Open Our Eyes, Lord (with "Morning" by Grieg); We Bow Down (with Serenade for Strings by Tchaikovsky); I Exalt Thee (with Polonaise by Chopin); O Worship the King (with excerpt from Lohengrin by Wagner); Bless His Holy Name (with Adagio by Beethoven); Thy Word (with Winter by Vivaldi); More Precious Than Silver (with Arioso by Bach); King of Kings (with In the Hall of the Mountain King by Grieg).
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