Your Story Hour Album 4
Bible Story Series
Album 4:
The Daring Act-Esther saves her people;
The Land of Uz-the story of Job;
The Charming Prince-Nebuchadnezzar becomes king;
The Four Friends-Daniel and his three friends;
The Kings Court-Daniel interprets the kings dream;
The Fiery Affair at Dura-Shadrach, Meshech & Abednego;
Seven Years a Beast- forsakes God;
The Bloodless Hand-Belshazzar & the handwriting on the wall;
The Lions and the Villains-Daniel in the lions den;
The Man Who Ran from God-Jonah & the whale;
New Testament stories begin.
Mary of Nazareth-Angel appears to Mary;
Born Under a Star-birth of Jesus;
The King Grows Up-the boy, Jesus;
A voice in the Desert-John the Baptist;
Journey to Jerusalme-first cleansing of the temple;
Happiness in Galilee-miracles of Jesus;
Jesus the Healer-Jesus heals the leper & the paralytic;
Matthews Magnificent Party-Matthew becomes a disciple;
Troubled Waters-Jesus heals on the Sabbath;
The Road to Happiness-Ordination of the 12; healing of Cornelius servant;
The Greatest Miracle-the widows son brought to life; Simons feast;
Prisoner in a Desert Dungeon-death of John the Baptist;
Stormy Times-Jesus calms the storm; Jairus daughter resurrected; A Boy's Amazing Lunch-Jesus feeds the 5,000;
A Fisherman Who Couldn’t Swim-Peter walks on water.
12-CD album
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