Your Story Hour Album 5
Bible Story Series
Album 5:
The Power of a Mother’s Faith-Jesus and the Phoenician woman; the feeding of the 4,000;
The Great Secret-the transfiguration; the temple tax;
Encounters in Jerusalem-Jesus encounters with the religious leaders;
The Man Who Lived Twice-Lazarus brought back to life;
Citizens of Heaven-Jesus & the little children; heals the sick; tests the rich young ruler;
Jesus and Mr. Too Short-Zacchaeus;
Cheers for the King-the triumphal entry;
The Great Clash-the second cleansing of the temple;
A Night to Remember-the last supper;
Betrayed-a night in Gethsemane;
The Trial-Jesus on trial;
The Road to Skull Hill-the crucifixion;
A Promise to Keep-the resurrection and ascension of Jesus;
The Strange Case of Blind Bart-Jesus heals blind Bartimaeus;
The Believers-the early believers;
The Cheaters-Ananias & Sapphira;
The First Christian Martyr-the stoning of Stephen;
Saul of Tarsus-Saul converted;
Dangers at Damascus-Saul regains sight;
The Eloquent King-Peter delivered from Peter;
The Man Who Turned Back-John Mark;
At Philippi-Paul & Silas;
The Aged Paul Shipwrecked-Paul shipwrecked on the way to Rome;
The Run-Away Slave-Paul converts Onesimus;
Paul and Nero-Paul on trial.
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