Your Story Hour Album 6
Historical Story Series
Album 6:
Beyond the Horizon-Columbus plans his voyage;
The Disappearing Light- Columbus hardships & perils;
Mutiny of Alonzon-Columbus-mutiny on board;
Columbus in Chains-Columbus discovers America;
Persecuted and Betrayed--the early Pilgrims in America;
The First Thanksgiving-early pilgrims (part 2) and the first Thanksgiving;
The Spirit of the Stars and Stripes
-the story of the U.S. Flag;
The Runaway Boy-Benjamin Franklin;
Americas Arch Hero Makes a Speech-Abraham Lincoln at Gettysburg;
Billy Scott Faces the Firing Squad-a story of Lincoln in the Civil War;
Yellow Jack, the Giant Killer of Men-Dr. Walter Reed discovers the cure for Yellow Fever;
Fury in Petticoats-One of Americas first woman lawyers;
Yankee Woman-Booker T. Washington, part 1; Booker T. Washington, part 2;
Thomas Edison-tribute to Thomas Edison's mother;
Edward Bok Story-story of a famous American;
Alexander Graham Bell-story of Alexander Graham Bell, part 1, Alexander Graham Bell, part 2;
Bicycles and Kites-the Wright Brothers invent the airplane, part 1;
Partners in Flight-the Wright Brothers, part 2;
Man Without a Country-the story of Philip Nolan;
The Spirit of St. Louis-Lindbergh crosses the Atlantic;
Little Bad Legs-the Glenn Cunningham story;
The Ugly Duckling of Baseball-the story of shortstop, Marty Marion.
12-CD album
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