Your Story Hour Album 9
Character Building Story Series
Album 9:
Uncle Jake-Kindly old man demonstrates faith;
The Stolen Book-answered prayer;
Twentieth Century Hank vs. Medieval Mom-the generation gap;
Three Week's Notice-keeping promises;
To Kill a Devil-returning good for evil;
One Day at a Time-restraint in eating;
The Perfect Valentine-thoughtfulness of senior citizens;
Footprints-choosing friends wisely;
Chicken Charlie-mistaken judgment;
Coal Oil Johnny-deceitfulness of riches;
The Bluest Ribbon-faithfulness rewarded;
The Stolen Catchers Mitt-honesty;
Pine Trees and Pie Dough-self-reliance;
A Piece of String-the problems of gossip;
Pa and the Violin-overcoming difficulties;
Roses and Bluebells-Mother's Day & the value of little things;
Polio-overcoming handicaps;
See My Hands-love in action;
The Land of the Free-an immigrants difficulties in a new land;
Lone Way-temperance;
Why Lennie-temperance;
Too Soon-obedience;
Finders Keepers-Honesty;
Mr.Touey-regard for others;
The Miller and the Indians-kindness rewarded;
Balto's Race of Life and Death-example of a brave, faithful dog;
Jon Goes Seal Hunting-choosing lifes occupation;
Runaway Christmas-home is more than a house;
Irving and the Besetting Sin-the price of disobedience;
Little Lost Cat-the cat that saved the train;
Ranger-playing with sin.
12-CD album
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