Your Story Hour Album 10
Character Building Story Series
Album 10:
High Tide-Obedience;
Buddies for Keeps-honesty and true friendship;
Ellen’s Cross-Road-resisting temptation to cheat;
For His Own Good-respect for others;
Duke-kindness to pets;
Tanni, The Deer-principles of freedom;
The Biggest Surprise-greed;
Skinned Angels-God's care;
The Cover Up-one lie leads to another;
When Grandpa Turned thirteen-learning obedience;
The Private Life of My Dog Bingo-loyalty of a dog;
Little King-a faithful little dog;
Two Sides-things not always as they seem;
Pete and the Pumpkin Patch-concern for others;
Too Smart-cheating;
Major Barkus-little dog becomes a hero;
Thou Shalt Not Want-faith and prayer rewarded at Christmas;
The Two Jimmies-orphan boy finds new home;
Miss Bossy-Overbearing trait corrected;
Big Leaguer-courtesy;
The Church in the Meadow-Romantic story of a church and its members;
The Gift of the Maji-OHenrys famous story;
A Christmas Carol-Charles Dickens classic;
Teenage Dupe-stewardship & dishonesty;
B>Nancy Flies-Gods watchful care over his children;
The Measuring Rod-revealing true motives;
One Day Difference-Faithfulness;
Valeries Valentine-love for parents;
Courage Plus Friendship-courage;
Queer Moccasins-bravery & courage;
Caracoochie-kindness saves a life;
Captain Smith-Captain John Smith, the American explorer.
12-CD album
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