YSH-Great New Stories Vol. 2
Great New Story Series
Biographical Stories
George Washington, part 1
growing-up years
George Washington, part 2
the French & Indian War
George Washington, part 3
the Revolution
George Washington, part 4
the President
Henry Ford, part 1
the first car
Henry Ford, part 2
Persistence pays off
Young Mark Twain
Louisa May Alcott’s childhood
Character Building Stories
Honey Creek Heroine
Girl saves hundreds from watery grave
The Autograph Special
John Hancock borrows Rebekah's pen
A Special Strength
Quaker lady opens school for black girls
Darcy’s Fall
Story of a runaway girl
The Good Neighbor
A lady frontier doctor
Sandy Singing
Young Sam Clemens learns compassion
Bread on the Waters
Louisa May Alcott’s childhood
The Clock Strikes Ten
God works a miracle through an unlikely person.
6-CD album, $22.50
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