Millions believe that Darwinian evolution is a scientific fact. This DVD shows it is unscientific, by interviewing evolutionary scientists from UCLA and USC, as well as biology majors. Hear expert testimony from leading evolutionary scientists at some of the world's top universities: Peter Nonacs, Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, UCLA Craig Stanford, Professor, Biological Sciences and Anthropology, USC PZ Myers, Associate Professor, Biology, University of Minnesota Morris Gail E. Kennedy, Associate Professor, Anthropology, UCLA Watch as they present their most compelling evidence for Darwinian evolution. Their answers will amaze you! COMMENDATIONS: "Evolution vs. God will rock the creation and evolution world!" Ken Ham, Answers in Genesis "Exciting and revealing." Dr. Henry M. Morris III, CEO, Institute for Creation Research, Dallas, Texas "Fascinating. Highly revealing. You will be amazed at what the experts themselves have to say!" Dr. Jason Lisle, ICR "Ray Comfort's ability to insightfully shred the vain reasoning's of men is a gift, and this film is a tour de force exposure of the emptiness of humanism." Dr. James White, Alpha & Omega Ministries "Absolutely excellent." Paul Taylor, Creation Today "Wow! Engaging." Dr. Frank Turek, CrossExamined.org "Revealing, thought-provoking, and challenging." Dr. Norm Geisler "Enlightening as well as entertaining-because it forces evolutionists to exercise a mental muscle that they apparently haven't used in a while." Eric Hovind, President Creation Today "Not since 'Expelled' has anything been done that is as important as this." Carl D. Kerby, President, Reasons for Hope "Wow! Very encouraging to see a tactical and practical method to expose the lies which permeate our culture." Jayson Payne, Museum Curator, Creation & Earth History Museum "Fascinating and eye-opening. Every student and every parent should watch it!" Randy Alcorn, Eternal Perspective Ministries "Powerful, insightful, and eye-opening." — Ken Ham "Fascinating, Absolutely excellent." — Rand Alcorn "Excellent, Superbly done." — Phil Johnson Hear expert testimony from leading evolutionary scientists at some of the world's top universities: Peter Nonacs, Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, UCLA Craig Stanford, Professor, Biological Sciences and Anthropology, USC PZ Myers, Associate Professor, Biology, University of Minnesota Morris Gail E. Kennedy, Associate Professor, Anthropology, UCLA Watch as they present their most compelling evidence for Darwinian evolution. Their answers will amaze you. Your faith will be wonderfully affirmed! |
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