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Get on a Mission of Nutrition A Musical Nutritional and Overall Health Educational Program for Children Includes Curriculum Guide, DVD and Music CD by Dr. Ken Fine, M.D. Board Certified Gastroenterologist Our country is experiencing a health crisis that involves our children. This is a crisis concerning nutrition. Most of us have succumbed to fast-paced, hectic living that has turned our food into fast-paced hectic food. Consequently, we are now facing a national epidemic of obesity and obesity-related problems and diseases that have grown in frequency over the past two to three decades. The time has come to take action to prevent this situation from spiraling out of control.
Kenny Davin Fine, M.D. a board certified gastroenterologist and world-renowned intestinal researcher founded the non-profit Intestinal Health Institute (http://www.intestinalhealth.org) in the year 2000 to educate the public on nutrition and optimal intestinal/overall health. Dr. Fine is also a professional singer-songwriter, the published author of 5 musical CD’s and over 100 songs. He has combined his passion for music with his public health mission to help our kids through this challenging time. As the child friendly Dr. Ken the produce Man, this “Physician-Musician on a Mission” has published a new and exciting musical health and nutritional educational program called “Get On a Mission of Nutrition.”
In order for our children to grow up healthier, we must teach them to live and eat healthier. Geared toward grade-school kids, the revolutionary “Get On a Mission of Nutrition” program utilizes a variety of media to entertain, educate, and enlighten children and adults about the importance of good nutrition, exercise, anatomy and physiology of digestion, positive attitude and values, and avoidance of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs. Dr. Ken has made learning these concepts easy using fun and effective teaching materials:
Music CD The “Get On a Mission of Nutrition” audio CD consists of 10 original songs written, commercially recorded and produced by Dr. Ken and his band of professional musicians that will stimulate children to dance and sing along while they learn. Each track sends an upbeat musical message to help kids of all ages (adults included) learn how to steer our lives toward optimal health.
10 songs, including: We have included sound samples of each song.
Click here for sound sample of "Get on a Mission of Nutrition" (Teaching the Importance of Healthy Food Choices to Overall Health)
Click here for sound sample of "You Gotta Exercise" (Teaching the Importance of Regular Exercise to Overall Health)
Click here for sound sample of "A Trip Down Intestinal Lane" (Teaching Anatomy and Physiology of the Intestinal Tract--Have you ever wondered what happens to that crunchy bite of carrot or that sweet strawberry once it passes your lips? Where do they go? How do they get digested and absorbed into the body to nourish us? Join Dr. Ken and his fruit, nut and vegetable friends for a “Trip Down Intestinal Lane” as we follow that morsel of food all the way through your digestive tract in musically and anatomically rhythmic fashion. Watch the DVD as the bouncing blueberries line up to take the plunge into the mouth and down the hatch!)
Click here for sound sample of "I’m Your Produce Man" (In this song, Dr. Ken sings about the different delicious fruits and vegetables that come in all colors, shapes, and sizes. It is important that both children and adults eat nuts, fruits and vegetables from all six color groups: red, orange, brown, purple, yellow, and green. This helps to ensure that we are getting the full complement of disease-preventing vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants we need for happy, healthy, energetic living. To do so, it is now recommended that more than half of our food intake each day consists of these power-packed health foods: nuts, fruits and vegetables.) Click here for sound sample of "If It Fees Bad, Don’t Do It" (Teaching the Importance of Positive Values and Positive Attitude. Where do children develop their value system, and from whom? Certainly before entering school, it is in the home from parents. We parents wish this could always remain the case. But eventually, in a social setting, kids begin to look to other kids for what they consider to be normal, acceptable behavior. This is fine as long as our kids remain influenced by “good kids with good behavior.” But most parents are aware of the possibility that their children’s behavior could be negatively influenced by “troubled kids”. So much so perhaps that some parents choose to home school their children. Understood and respected is this phenomenon. But for most children, part of growing up is surviving the teen years out in the teen world. Today’s marketing and advertising blitz on teens is a force to be reckoned with as well.)
Click here for sound sample of "Just So You Know (Just Say No)" (Demonstrating the Dangers of Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drug Abuse--“Just Say No!” We have all heard this slogan. If someone asks you to use drugs or alcohol, “Just Say No.” It is a good concept; we hope all kids can do this effectively. But the fact is kids and especially pre-teens and teens succumb to the pressure of “fitting in” more than anything else in their lives. So this issue is taken one step further in this song and video. The song teaches kids what tobacco, alcohol, and drugs do to their body, mind, and life. Lost health, lost money, lost dreams, lost family, lost happiness, lost freedom, lost lives!)
Click here for sound sample of "Stay Straight" “Stay Straight” provides the solution, rescuing our pupils with the facts about what staying straight will do for them. Not using tobacco, alcohol, or drugs, and “just getting high on life will do your body good… help you live a happy life… and just might save your life.” We hope the facts and images contained in this most serious lesson will create an everlasting memory in all children’s mind, serving as one additional weapon of defense against the often inevitable situation (some time in their lives) of being faced with the pressure to try drugs, alcohol or tobacco. “Stay straight this just might save your life, don’t do drugs or alcohol so you can live a happy life.”
Click here for sound sample of "Sing a Happy Tune" (Constructive ways of dealing with life’s everyday frustrations are happily espoused in “Sing a Happy Tune”)
Click here for sound sample of "Can-is" (“You can, cause you can, if you think that you can, and you say that you can, and you know that you can. Never, never, never, never, never say you can’t, cause you can, cause you can, if you think that you can” sings the upbeat, danceable “Cans-Is” song. There is nothing more important to a child’s (or adult’s) success than a positive attitude and strong self-esteem.) Click here for sound sample of "It’s All About Love" (The important “Golden Rule” principle of being kind to and “loving” your fellow human beings as one loves his/herself is wonderfully musically illustrated in “It’s All About Love”. The world will never have too much love, as kids are melodically reminded to “love their sister, love their brother, love their father, love their mother, love their teacher, love their neighbor”, etc. All this and more are featured in this fresh remake/rewrite of the 1960’s pop song “Good Lovin”.) Animated Music DVD
Using both animation and live shot high definition recording, 5 animated songs have been produced to further convey the 5 primary health messages of this program. The DVDs are also incorporated into the school curriculum to be used in the classroom by teachers or by home-schooling parents to further teach these lessons.
Songs include: Get on a Mission of Nutrition A Trip Down Intestinal Lane If It Feels Bad, Don’t Do It You Gotta Exercise Just So You Know (Just Say No)/Stay Straight
"A Trip Down Intestinal Lane": Animated Music DVD (Quick Time Movie)
Curriculum worksheets/activities
Classroom teachers and home-schooling parents will delight in the “Get On a Mission of Nutrition” printed curriculum. These materials are designed to complement the existing health, science, and physical education curriculum used currently. Students can sing and dance in music class, perform jumping jacks in P.E., label the parts of the digestive system in Science/Health, and write a creative dialogue in English class. Dr. Ken’s program is fun and educational in every facet of the lesson plans!
Home Activities To further instill the message of the “Get On a Mission of Nutrition” campaign, this program also includes activities that children can enjoy at home with their families. Parents are encouraged to join their children in participating in exercise, eating healthy foods, refraining from tobacco and alcohol, and promoting positive attitude and values. The message is clear... children need our help to battle the nationwide epidemic of childhood obesity. Let’s all join Dr. Ken the Produce Man and “Get on a Mission of Nutrition!” The nutrition and health of our future generations depends on action today!
Web Site Children can enjoy games, puzzles and learning activities on line by visiting their www.GetOnAMissionOfNutrition.org website. Our “GOAMON Kids Club” (GOAMON – the acronym of “Get on a Mission of Nutrition”) will offer incentives for boys and girls to eat more healthy foods, to increase the amount of regular exercise they get, to live their lives more positively, making more positive value choices, and to encourage kindness toward and the helping of others.
- Song Overview
- Produce Man
- Its All About Love
Curriculum can be purchased as a COMPLETE SET, which includes the Curriculum Guide, DVD and CD, for $39.99
A set which includes the Curriculum Guide with the DVD (no CD) is $29.99.
DVD, $18.99 CD, $14.99