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On May 18th, 1980, the eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington State caused the largest landslide in modern human history. For nine hours it released the explosive power of one atomic bomb every second, shocking the world with the eruption's explosive power. Beyond the destruction, it also challenged the way scientists think of castastrophes like this and how they have shaped the earth. In this episode you'll learn:
The Awesome Science video series takes teens and adults on a field trip around the world to explore geologic and historical evidence which supports the biblical record. Innovative, high-quality, and designed to make science fun, this new series for the whole family helps discover evidences that the Bible is the true history book of the world! 5 x 7 • 30 Minutes • DVD Explore Mount St. Helens Study GuideThis study guide is available for each Awesome Science DVD (a new series from Master Books). These help create a reflective learning situation after viewing each exciting episode, and are filled with substantial discussion questions, fill in the blank, true and false, as well as bonus activities. Can be used in Science and religion class - also would be great for church youth groups. 5 x 8 • Paperback Suggested Retail Price: 3.99; FREE with purchase of DVD of the same name
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