OptimaLearning Classics
Music for Imagination and Creativity #501
Especially selected music by Wagner · Grieg · Ravel · Dvorak · Smetana
Sequenced for maximum benefit
With written step-by-step instructions for using this music for Imagination ¤ Intuition ¤ Contemplation ¤ Problem-Solving ¤ Decision Making ¤ Creative Solutions ¤ Coping With Crisis ¤ Overcoming Grief and Loss
Many Romantic and post-Romantic composers wrote music with specific images in mind-to develop an idea, describe a scene or create a mood. Called "program music," it fosters visualization, stimulates imagination, and empowers contemplation. Its ability to tap deep emotion and inner strength helps you cope with crises and overcome grief. In addition the particular sequence on this cassette or CD facilitates problem solving and engenders a flow of creativity and inspiration.
SIDE A: (TRACKS 1-4): Enhance intuition. Empower contemplation, meditation, introspection. This unique sequence of musical compositions fosters effective problem solving and decision making. Also excellent for coping with crises in work and life, and especially for overcoming grief and loss. (Use the whole sequence in order.)
SIDE B (TRACKS 5-8): Stimulate vivid imagination and inspire creativity. Facilitate moving from decision into action. Also very helpful in overcoming crises (when preceded by TRACKS 1-4), and for successful completion of the process of grief.
The integrity of the music remains intact. There are absolutely no subliminal suggestions nor instructions, and no change of frequencies. It is the same music created by the genius of Bach, Vivaldi, Corelli, Berlioz, Debussy and many others.
Available in tape, $9.95 or CD, $14.95
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