Sing-A-Long Science
Singing The Science Standards
by Warren Phillips
Years ago, Warren Phillips gave a quiz on the periodic table and was upset to find that most students had failed. Some students could only remember one or two of the elements. He decided that he needed to present and reinforce the elements in a more meaningful way. While commuting from school, he came up with "The Element Song." His students loved the song, and he was amazed when he quizzed them, almost every student received an A! It was then that he began developing songs for each of the units that he teaches. Students who could not remember facts were now reciting important concepts and "singing science".
His students learned them,
Songs Include:
1. DNA
Click to Hear Sample
2. Amoebas
Click to Hear Sample
3. The Element Song
Click to Hear Sample
4. Water Wonderland
5. The Fossil Song
6. The Volcano Song
7. Oh, Density!
8. Photosynthesis
Click to Hear Sample
9. The Optics Song
10. Twinkle
Tracks 11-20 are the Karaoke Version
(instrumental only)
Here are some teaching suggestions from Mr. Phillips that may help you in using these songs with your students.
How I use these songs:
DNA: I have students make a "cut and paste" model of DNA. I introduce the DNA song. We then begin a genetic mating simulation, which drive home the concepts in the song.
The Element Song: We sing this song each day for about a week. Students may take an oral quiz on the song any time during the next week. If they haven’t sung the words to me by the end of the next week, they will take a written quiz.
Amoebas: Use the hand signs (see the word sheet) to reinforce the song.
The other songs: I sometimes introduce the unit with these songs, and will give extra credit for memorizing the words. We’ll sing at random spontaneous times during the unit.
How you can use them: Whether you’re a parent or a teacher, encourage and "be amazed" when your child spouts out these songs. An insert with all the words is included. I’ve also included a "karaoke version" for each song, so that your child can practice singing without the words. Use the karaoke to lead a class song yourself, or amaze your child by teaching them with the words. But most of all have fun with "Sing-A-Long Science"!