Enchance your study of American history with these wonderful audio and video resources.
A Biblical World History Curriculum A very special collaboration by Answers in Genesis and Diana Waring—one of today’s most-loved “history evangelists”—brings you an unparalleled history curriculum! These top-quality history textbooks start at the beginning—roughly 6,000 years ago. Unlike the “politically correct,” evolution-influenced public school curriculum, this biblically based curricula shows students the real history of the world!
This cutting edge, audio-enhanced curriculum appeals to different kinds of learners based on the three main learning styles: visual, auditory, and tactile. Appropriate for grades 5–12 (Student Manual & Teacher’s Guide) and K–4 (Elementary Activity Book). Includes geography, creative writing, research, art, music, architecture, science, drama, cooking, and more! Study together with the whole family! Every student has a chance to do what they love.
About the “History Revealed” curriculum
Answers in Genesis has teamed up with Diana Waring, one of the most recognizable names in homeschooling, to bring you this unique and comprehensive world history curriculum—“History Revealed.” Whether you’re just beginning to teach history, or looking to move away from a curriculum that has zapped your children’s enthusiasm, this one will prove to you and your kids that history is fun!
Volume 1 is
Ancient Civilizations and the Bible, which takes you on a journey from creation to Christ, covering the major events, civilizations, and personalities in the first 4,000 years of world history. Volume 2 is Romans, Reformers, Revolutionaries, which covers the early church to the French revolution. Volume 3, World Empires, World Missions, World Wars, will be available in 2011.
Each volume is a one-year history curriculum and includes a teacher guide, student manual, testing kit, audio CDs, and an optional elementary activity book for the younger students so that all ages can participate in this exciting study of world history.
Each volume is broken down into nine units, with each unit broken into four one-week segments, called phases. Each phase covers a variety of learning methods.
- In Phase 1, the student reads the unit article and then listens to fascinating stories of history told by Diana in the What in the World is Going on Here?, True Tales, and Digging Deeper audio CDs.
- Phase 2 focuses on exploration and discovery. The student researches a topic of his or her own choosing and also learns vocabulary and constructs a timeline.
- Phase 3 focuses on the geography, arts, and sciences of the period covered. It includes making maps as well as activities in science, art, architecture, cooking, and music.
- In Phase 4 students are encouraged to express themselves in their own unique way, choosing a project that may include writing, art, music, drama, movement, conceptual design, or other areas of expression.
The teacher guide includes everything needed to make history come alive for your students (and you). Diana also gives weekly schedule suggestions that are flexible to the needs of your family or class, and she provides background information for you to stay at least one step ahead of your students.
What sets this curriculum apart?
- Discovering and enjoying history from a biblical perspective—looking at God's fingerprints throughout time and noting how God has been intimately and powerfully involved in the lives of individuals and nations.
- Exploring history in a way that honors a student's God-given design. Because God has created different types of learners, this curriculum offers many different ways to engage each student in a love of learning history.
Diana Waring makes history come alive. Her enthusiasm and love for God’s unfolding plan of history overflows from every article and audio recording, stimulating students and teachers alike to recognize God’s hand in world history and to marvel at His goodness.
From the author
“People tell us they LOVE seeing history with God alive at the center. They are grateful that their children not only LEARN it, but, because of the variety of different learning opportunities this curriculum provides, they RETAIN it.” — Diana Waring, author
Customer review
“Diana Waring is the most exciting and interesting history teacher my kids or I have ever experienced. Top Notch!” — A homeshool father of four high school graduates
Science, history and reading curriculum from a Christian worldview.
We have two different series of recorded audio books by G.A. Henty. 10 have been recorded by storyteller, Jim Weiss. The recordings by Jim Weiss have been abridged.
The newest album recorded by Jim Weiss is The Lion of St. Mark
13 books have been recorded by Jim Hodges. These are complete and unabridged recordings. We think you will like them all.
The newest addition to this collection is St. Bartholomew's Eve: A Tale of the Religious Wars in France
RECORDED BY JIM HODGES See individual selections below
Materials to enchance your study of science and history for the older student.
"...All things are as they were then, except for one thing: when CBS is there, You Are There! You Are There is based on authentic historical fact and quotations. And now, on to our story....." So begin the incredibly well done Old Time Radio programs "You Are There!" originally broadcast between 1947 and 1950. And you really do feel like You Are There, the announcers report "live" from the scene of the action.
Sing the great patriotic songs of America with these wonderful CDs
The Story of the World History for the Classical Child by Susan Wise Bauer Audio BooksText books Activity Books The Story of the World is an award-winning resource for families looking for a history curriculum they can fall in love with. Told in the straightforward, engaging style that has become Susan Wise Bauer's trademark, this four-volume set covers the sweep of human history from ancient times until the present.
Africa, China, Europe, the Americas ó find out what happened all around the world in long-ago times. This read-aloud series is designed for parents and teachers to share with elementary school children. Enjoy it together and introduce your child to the marvelous story of the the worldÃs civilizations.
 We have quite a few products which are especially helpful for studying Early American life in the days of the Pilgrims and Puritans and for the Thanksgiving season. There are products for both older and younger students.
Story of the World with Susan Wise Bauer (for younger children) and Diana Waring's History of the World for junior high through adult. These wonderful materials will greatly enchance your study of world history from a Christian worldview.
HOW SHOULD WE THEN LIVE, a Worldview DVD Curriculum with Francis Schaeffer. This is Dr. Francis Schaeffer’s spectacular series on the rise and decline of Western culture from a Christian perspective. This program presents profound truths in simple language and concludes that mans only hope is a return to Gods biblical absolute--the Truth revealed in Christ through the Scriptures. This program explores art and music through the different time periods of history.
Take a trip around Africa meeting animals, tribes and visiting exotic places! Funny and Fun!
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$15.00 |
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$11.00 |
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27% |
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This is a worshipful, glorious album of church hymns from the early Church to the Great Awakening! Designed to be used by families in home worship, by families in the study of Romans, Reformers, Revolutionaries, or by those who simply desire to listen to Christian meditative music. Exalt our God together with the music of the ages, in all new arrangements by Mary Beth Cecil. Acappella vocal music. All ages. 1 audio CD.
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$15.95 |
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$9.99 |
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38% |
The next generation is calling it quits on the traditional church. And its not just happening on the nominal fringe; itâs happening at the core of the faith! This powerful book reveals shocking trends and offers wisdom on how to win back our families, our churches, and our world!
Songs American's love to sing! Adults singing with orchestra.
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$9.99 |
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$8.50 |
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15% |
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Contains information about the culture of Ancient Egypt, the geography, animals, birds, plants, fish, the history and so much more.
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$15.00 |
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$11.00 |
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27% |
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1 In Stock |
Songs and poems about penguins, seals, the food chain, icebergs and science stations. Lots to learn about Antarctica.
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$15.00 |
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$11.00 |
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27% |
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A fabulous collection of traditional and original songs and poems from and about the magnificent continent of ASIA.
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$15.00 |
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$11.00 |
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27% |
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At last, a way to learn the important facts of history in songs. These ballads make it easy! These 9 ballads tell about each major period of American history from Jamestown through Reconstruction.
14 Songs that tell the story of Texas from the days of the Indians until Texas gained statehood in 1846, accompanied by a 145-page book.
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$29.95 |
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$24.95 |
You Save: |
17% |
Families, schools, and churches can unfold 15 feet of the most interesting history of the world.
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$19.99 |
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$17.99 |
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11% |
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4 In Stock |
Families, schools, and churches can unfold 15 feet of the most interesting history of the world. (PANELS -- NOT BOUND)
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$16.99 |
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$15.25 |
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11% |
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1 In Stock |
The Big Book of History is a vibrant timeline from Creation to modern day. It is color-coded to help students follow four main categories of history:
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$6.99 |
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$0.00 |
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100% |
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7 In Stock |
This outstanding dramatization presents the life of one of Christendomâs greatest thinkers. As a young man, Dietrich Bonhoeffer felt a call to the ministry and determined to follow it no matter where it would lead. And it led him to places and situations that challenged every aspect of his faith--and demanded everything from him.
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$21.97 |
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$14.97 |
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32% |
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Out Of Stock |
You and your family will feel what every American was feeling on D-Day by listening to these complete broadcast day MP3 CD recordings. Radio was the communication medium of the day and families gathered around them for all the latest news, information, and entertainment.
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$25.00 |
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$15.00 |
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40% |
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Out Of Stock |
This book is a wonderful tool to help children learn about the chronological flow of world history and Gods faithfulness in history while doing activities at their own level. The younger children use this book while the old children use the World Empires, World Missions, World Wars Study Guide
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$11.95 |
On Sale: |
$9.00 |
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25% |
From the shores of the Mediterranean to the top of the Matterhorn. Learn many interesting facts about the countries in Europe as you sing along with Mr. I and the children.
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$15.00 |
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$11.00 |
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27% |
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Out Of Stock |
Youâve often read stories about George Washington, Paul Revere, Benjamin Franklin and Abraham Lincoln. But what was life like for ordinary people just like you and me who lived during the early days of our nationâs history?
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$14.95 |
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$5.00 |
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67% |
Recognizing God's mighty hand in his own life, Richard "Little Bear" Wheeler compiled stories of impossible triumph despite a losing battle, Divine protection amidst sure annihilation and heroic endeavors in the face of defeat, all with a single purpose of demonstrating the miraculous Providential Occurrences in World History.
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$25.00 |
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Out Of Stock |
You will be inspired by the stories of Sojourner Truth (a slave who championed her people), Hudson Taylor (missionary to China, John Newton (composer of "Amazing Grace"), Eleanor Roosevelt (a famous 1st lady)
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$22.50 |
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$18.00 |
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20% |
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Out Of Stock |
Some great Revolutionary war stories and hear about Paul Revere and his midnight ride. Learn about Eli Whitney and much more.
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$22.50 |
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$18.00 |
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20% |
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Out Of Stock |
Enjoy hearing the adventure of dynamic Theodore Roosevelt, a two-part story about the discovery of Penicillin (Andrew Fleming), the story of x-ray, Russia's Sonya Kovalevskaya (mathematics) and more. Great listening and entertainment for the whole family. 6 CD album
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$22.50 |
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$18.00 |
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20% |
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Out Of Stock |
Enjoy a musical time line with dramatic sound effects that help reinforce learning. 11 songs teach over 100 dates and events of United States History from 1492 to 1991.
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$15.95 |
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Out Of Stock |
SOLD OUT -- NO LONGER AVAILABLE: Venture through history with this exclusive CD collection that contains powerful dramatizations about Americaâs greatest heroes, their patriotism, and their belief in God. Learn history at home or in the car with these fascinating American history CDs.
Now you can meet the U.S. Presidents as if they were living and speaking on the radio today. This is our newest in the series. You Are There is based on authentic historical fact and quotations. And now, on to our story....." So begin the incredibly well done Old Time Radio programs "You Are There!" originally broadcast between 1947 and 1950. And you really do feel like You Are There, the announcers report "live" from the scene of the action.
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$25.00 |
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$15.00 |
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40% |
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Out Of Stock |
Do all cultures have a flood story in their history?; Are all of the flood stories the same?; Are the reamins of Noahs Ark on Mt. Ararat? Or not?; and hear Diana interview veteran art hunter, Bob Cornuke.
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$10.95 |
On Sale: |
$5.00 |
You Save: |
55% |
Lists the names of all the countries of North America. Central America and the Caribbean countries are included as well. A great supplement to any study of North America
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$15.00 |
On Sale: |
$11.00 |
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27% |
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Out Of Stock |
A simplified retelling of the great historian Flavius Josephusâ epic narratives, âThe Antiquities of the Jewsâ and âThe Jewish Wars.â The history of Israel from the time of Abraham until the fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70, following the Septuagint chronology. This work is an invaluable supplement to the study of Old Testament history.
You and your family will feel what every American was feeling on Pearl Harbor Sunday by listening to these complete broadcast day MP3 CD recordings.
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$25.00 |
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$15.00 |
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40% |
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Out Of Stock |
There are eleven interesting songs full of good, general knowledge that everyone needs to know, i.e. Branches of Government, states and capitals, geography songs, planets, classical composers, bones of the body, days, months and years, table manners and more. Good for any age.
Can you name the 41 most common chemical elements, the ten major organ systems of the body, the most famous inventors of the 19th century? Do you know the Dewey Decimal System? What about the Preamble to the constitution?
Learn all these and many more interesting facts of general information in this second volume of Singin' Smart.
St. Bartholomew's Eve: A Tale of the Religious Wars in France
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$25.00 |
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$15.00 |
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40% |
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1 In Stock |
CLEARANCE SPECIAL!!!! Still Available for Iowa, Vermont and West Virginia. State History was developed by Alpha Omega so that students will learn to identify the history and resources of the state in which they live.
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$24.95 |
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$5.00 |
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80% |
(1850 to the late 1990s--from the reign of Englandâs Queen Victoria to the collapse of the Berlin Wall) This is the last in Susan Wise Bauerâs Story of the World history series brings to life the stories and records of the peoples of the modern age. Written in an engaging, straightforward manner, The Story of the World weaves world history into a storybook format. We have text books, audio books, Activity books, test books, and extra student pages for each level.
The Middle Ages (400 to 1600). Donât just read about history â experience it! Color a picture of Viking warrior, make an edible oasis, create a Moorish rulerâs turban and Aztec jewelry and more. We have text books, audio books, Activity books, and test books for each level.
1600 to 1850 -- Introduce your child to the marvelous story of world civilizations with this read-aloud series geared for elementary age but enjoyable for the entire family. We have text books, audio books, Activity books, test books, and extra student pages for each level.
IT'S BACK!!! To fully understand the times of world history, one must understand the history of the church. Author Diana Waring whisks you along through 1,700 years of church history, showing Godâs amazing grace through it all! This audio CD set adds to the study of the times, both for Romans, Reformers, Revolutionaries and for World Empires, World Missions, World Wars.
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$19.99 |
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$17.99 |
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11% |
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Out Of Stock |
Another wonderful and exciting way to learn interesting facts about countries of the world. Teacher Guide filled with ideas for teaching geography are downloadable from the enhanced CD or DVD. The second in a series from WeeBee Tunes.
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$15.95 |
On Sale: |
$10.50 |
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35% |
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2 In Stock |
The "Story of the Last Days of Jerusalem" is an adaptation of Josephusâ dramatic first-hand account of the fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 in his famous historical work, "The Jewish Wars." It captures in detail one of the greatest tragedies of all time, often overlooked in more contemporary histories.
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$12.95 |
On Sale: |
$9.95 |
You Save: |
24% |
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3 In Stock |
The complete history of ancient Rome from its legendary origins through the days of the Republic and the Empire to its eventual decline and fall. Meet the founders, the heroes, the leaders, the generals, the dictators, the philosophers, and the ordinary people.
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$29.95 |
On Sale: |
$19.95 |
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34% |
Ancient Times (5000 BC to 400 AD), covers from the earliest Nomads to the Last Roman Emperor. Susan Wise Bauer has provided a captivating guide to the history of the ancient world. Written in an engaging, straightforward manner, The Story of the World weaves world history into a storybook format. Covers the major historical events from the beginning of civilization to the fall of the Roman Empire. The audio book is recorded by Jim Weiss.
We have text books, audio books, Activity books, test books, and extra student pages for each level.
Ferdinand Magellan lived in the world of the Renaissance and the high glory of the Mediterranean. He set out to solve the riddle of the Western Passage, which was an epic voyage that changed the world. Cassette tape only
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$10.00 |
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$5.00 |
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50% |
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1 In Stock |
Stories from the days of the Roman Empire, the early church and the Middle Ages including Attila the Hun, Saint Columba, Islamic Empire, the Byzantines, Alfred of England, The Truce of God, Medieval Europe, and the Moravians.
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$19.99 |
On Sale: |
$17.99 |
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11% |
Learn the names of all the Presidents and First Ladies sung to the tune of Sousa's "Washington Post March," and learn and some facts about our Constitution and its major principles.
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$14.95 |
On Sale: |
$11.95 |
You Save: |
21% |
A new and unique way to celebrate America. Learn to sign hundreds of words along with these classic favorites.
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$14.95 |
On Sale: |
$12.70 |
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16% |
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Out Of Stock |
Nothing gives a better feel for a culture than its music. A musical journey to faraway places! Learn songs from many other lands. An excellent companion to world geography and history programs.
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$10.99 |
On Sale: |
$8.00 |
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28% |
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Out Of Stock |
Napoleon and the French Revolution took place about the time of the American Revolution. The Korean War took place in 1950, so this covers 150 years of World History. If youâre one of our many Diana Waring fans, this product will need no explanation.
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$24.99 |
On Sale: |
$21.99 |
You Save: |
13% |
"Why We Fight" is a eight part propaganda ~ documentary series that chronicles the Second World War from its beginning, when Japan invaded China in 1931, to the Nazi's march across Europe, to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, and America's entry into the war. When viewed in its entirety, you too will know why we fought!
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$25.00 |
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$15.00 |
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40% |
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Out Of Stock |
If you love to study the Bible, youâre going to love this! This epic story of the Jews covers the history of ancient Israel from the time of Abraham until Queen Esther. Paidea Classics has republished a childrenâs edition of the writings of the Jewish historian Josephus, and Jim Hodges has recorded the book
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$25.00 |
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$18.95 |
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25% |
Stock Info: |
2 In Stock |