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6 Traits Writing from Edutunes

6 Traits Writing from Edutunes
6 Traits Writing CD/Book set
By Miss Jenny
From Edutunes

Miss Jenny’s 6-Traits Writing CD-book set is a rigorous, systematic writing program. These user-friendly materials will add some variety and fun to your curriculum as they simplify your life.

Included are dozens of lesson ideas that require almost no preparation time for teachers! Use music to teach your students the following traits of great writing:
Ideas and Content,
Word Choice,
and Conventions.

Eight parts of speech are integrated into the writing curriculum. The program also includes oral and written presentation songs, a special K-2 section to motivate young children, and classical music to stimulate your students’ minds.

Program includes 27-track,
70-minute CD;

64-page comprehensive book with REPRODUCIBLE blackline masters of all songs, plus detailed, user-friendly lesson plans.

Choose a Big Idea

Writer’s Block

Beginnings and Endings
Click to Hear Sample

Main Idea, Supporting Details, Wrap-Up

First, Next, Then, Last
Click to Hear Sample

Writing with Voice

Does the Reader Feel How You Feel?

Write about Your Life

Who Will Your Character Be?
Click to Hear Sample

My Writing Flows

Colorful Words
Click to Hear Sample

Check for Proper Conventions

A Noun Is a Person, a Place or a Thing

Verbs Adjectives Are Describing Words

An Adverb Describes a Verb

Pronouns Take the Place

What Is the Function of a Conjunction?

What Is the Position of a Preposition?

Interjections Show Emotions

“An” & “A”

Take Pride when You Write

Present Your Paper with Confidence

Write with Writer Rhino

Write a Book


Writing Music
(Play this pleasant music while the children write.)
Retail: $19.99
On Sale: $14.99
You Save: 26%
Stock Info: Out Of Stock

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