We have sold out of all the sets of Character Classics. However, if you have the sets and need the Teacher Resource Guides that have all the words to all the songs of the whole sets as well as activities on different grade levels to do as you study these units, we do have some of those left in our inventory. These are out of print so we can't get them any more."
Character Classics is a book and CD series that combines well-known classical melodies with entertaining character-building lyrics to give children a basic foundation for character education and story books to help teach children the importance of positive values. The CDs feature new character education lyrics performed over music by Beethoven, Bach, Tchaikovsky, Mozart etc. Each book illustrates one of the songs and uses the lyrics as its text, and children can read or sing along. The lyrics for all of the songs on the CD appear at the end of each book. Help children learn and remember lessons about character traits with these book and music combinations! The character traits are: attentiveness, contentment, dependability, goodness, kindness, obedience, self-control, patience, perseverance, respect, thankfulness, and truthfulness.
- Grades 1-6
- Includes book and CD
- Teacher's Guides and Teacher Activity Resource Books are available for grades 1-2, 3-4, and 5-6
For a full description, CLICK HERE
View Sample A short video showing how the book and CD work together to teach character traits.
Note: Character Classics is a book and CD combination - there is NO DVD available. This video is just to show the music and printed lyrics together. |
Here are a few song samples from four of the albums.
“Little Larry” (Attentiveness)
“Captain Kind” (Kindness)
“Tell the Truth” (Truthfulness)
“Self-Control to the Rescue” (Self-Control)
An Interview with Carole Cliffe about Character Classics
Click to Hear the Interview
Carole Cliffe is an award-winning educator who was interviewed by Shannon Penrod on her radio show "Everyday Autism Miracles." Here she talks about the success she has had with the Character Classics products.
Get to know some of the world's Christian Heroes and missionaries.
CLASSICAL COMPOSER DVDs from Sony and Meet the Musicians
Your children will learn to love the music of classical composers with these CDs.
Enrich your life with the sounds of classical music. We have DVDs on the lives of composer, biographies, audio stories, music appreciation curriculum and much more.
Also see "The Profound Effects of Music on Life" by Andrew Pudewa to understand the importance of exposing your children to classical music.
Color the Classics is a curriculum that will expose children to great music in a way that is fun for them and easy for the parents. Children are given a sense that there is a God-given purpose in music, thereby planting the seeds of love and appreciation for time-honored music that will last a lifetime.
We have numerous DVDs and story CDs that show the legitimacy of creation science as opposed to the pure speculation of evolution which has, nonetheless, become accepted knowledge in standard educational settings.
Students should be required to write something everyday, but it's sometimes hard to think of a new topic to write about. 1001 Writing Projects for students is your answer to that problem. We also have a CD/book set called 6-Traits Writing from Edutunes to help with the writing process.
A Biblical World History Curriculum A very special collaboration by Answers in Genesis and Diana Waring—one of today’s most-loved “history evangelists”—brings you an unparalleled history curriculum! These top-quality history textbooks start at the beginning—roughly 6,000 years ago. Unlike the “politically correct,” evolution-influenced public school curriculum, this biblically based curricula shows students the real history of the world!
This cutting edge, audio-enhanced curriculum appeals to different kinds of learners based on the three main learning styles: visual, auditory, and tactile. Appropriate for grades 5–12 (Student Manual & Teacher’s Guide) and K–4 (Elementary Activity Book). Includes geography, creative writing, research, art, music, architecture, science, drama, cooking, and more! Study together with the whole family! Every student has a chance to do what they love.
About the “History Revealed” curriculum
Answers in Genesis has teamed up with Diana Waring, one of the most recognizable names in homeschooling, to bring you this unique and comprehensive world history curriculum—“History Revealed.” Whether you’re just beginning to teach history, or looking to move away from a curriculum that has zapped your children’s enthusiasm, this one will prove to you and your kids that history is fun!
Volume 1 is
Ancient Civilizations and the Bible, which takes you on a journey from creation to Christ, covering the major events, civilizations, and personalities in the first 4,000 years of world history. Volume 2 is Romans, Reformers, Revolutionaries, which covers the early church to the French revolution. Volume 3, World Empires, World Missions, World Wars, will be available in 2011.
Each volume is a one-year history curriculum and includes a teacher guide, student manual, testing kit, audio CDs, and an optional elementary activity book for the younger students so that all ages can participate in this exciting study of world history.
Each volume is broken down into nine units, with each unit broken into four one-week segments, called phases. Each phase covers a variety of learning methods.
- In Phase 1, the student reads the unit article and then listens to fascinating stories of history told by Diana in the What in the World is Going on Here?, True Tales, and Digging Deeper audio CDs.
- Phase 2 focuses on exploration and discovery. The student researches a topic of his or her own choosing and also learns vocabulary and constructs a timeline.
- Phase 3 focuses on the geography, arts, and sciences of the period covered. It includes making maps as well as activities in science, art, architecture, cooking, and music.
- In Phase 4 students are encouraged to express themselves in their own unique way, choosing a project that may include writing, art, music, drama, movement, conceptual design, or other areas of expression.
The teacher guide includes everything needed to make history come alive for your students (and you). Diana also gives weekly schedule suggestions that are flexible to the needs of your family or class, and she provides background information for you to stay at least one step ahead of your students.
What sets this curriculum apart?
- Discovering and enjoying history from a biblical perspective—looking at God's fingerprints throughout time and noting how God has been intimately and powerfully involved in the lives of individuals and nations.
- Exploring history in a way that honors a student's God-given design. Because God has created different types of learners, this curriculum offers many different ways to engage each student in a love of learning history.
Diana Waring makes history come alive. Her enthusiasm and love for God’s unfolding plan of history overflows from every article and audio recording, stimulating students and teachers alike to recognize God’s hand in world history and to marvel at His goodness.
From the author
“People tell us they LOVE seeing history with God alive at the center. They are grateful that their children not only LEARN it, but, because of the variety of different learning opportunities this curriculum provides, they RETAIN it.” — Diana Waring, author
Customer review
“Diana Waring is the most exciting and interesting history teacher my kids or I have ever experienced. Top Notch!” — A homeshool father of four high school graduates
For those looking specifically for DVDs, we have a good selection of videos for Science, History, Bible, Character Building, Music and More.
There are a lot more videos on our web site that haven't been placed in this category yet. They can be found simply by doing a search. Just type in "DVD" and they should come up.
Science, history and reading curriculum from a Christian worldview.
We have pre-reading programs as well as programs that teach science and very elementary math concepts to young children.
Celebrate the resurrection of Jesus in stories and songs and learn how the Jewish Passover is the crown jewel of the biblical feasts, and how the Messiah appears in every moment of it.
A New Strategy for Re-Uniting the Family in Church
Make Geography fun! Sing your way around the world. We learned most of these songs on car trips. We also used the shower curtain map in the bathroom. Other materials listed below include something about geography or songs and stories from other cultures. Singin Smart 1 and 2 also include some geography songs, as well as a wide variety of other information.
No matter what Grammar curriculum you use, Grammar Songs will help your kids remember the parts of speech. Easy Grammar was our favorite Grammar curriculum -- and we combined it with Grammar Songs and Winston Grammar. If you like a hands-on approach to learning, we have just added Winston Grammar. Other materials listed below include some grammar, i.e. Spelling Power, Writing Power,Sing Spell Read and Write. And we even have Spanish Grammar Swings to help you with Spanish Grammar.
Help children learn to interact properly with their playmates, and teach your children 56 ways to be considerate of others. Fun Physical Fitness is a fully illustrated book and compact disc with some great strengthening and stretching exercises for children ages 2 to 10.
Learn to play the guitar in the comfort of your own how with these DVDs produced by an expert guitar teacher.
CALLIgraphy and aeROBICS is a series of simple, enjoyable handwriting exercises, set to music, which require only brief, self-guided daily sessions to improve handwriting skills.
Our country is experiencing a health crisis that involves our children. This is a crisis concerning nutrition. Dr. Ken Fine, a board certified gastroenterologist, has combined his passion for music with his public health mission to help our kids through this challenging time.
We have two different series of recorded audio books by G.A. Henty. 10 have been recorded by storyteller, Jim Weiss. The recordings by Jim Weiss have been abridged.
The newest album recorded by Jim Weiss is The Lion of St. Mark
13 books have been recorded by Jim Hodges. These are complete and unabridged recordings. We think you will like them all.
The newest addition to this collection is St. Bartholomew's Eve: A Tale of the Religious Wars in France
RECORDED BY JIM HODGES See individual selections below
Learn American and World History from a Christian worldview -- products for all ages.
A variety of home schooling and child training helps.
Celebrate the greatest songs of the Church compiled from the hymnals of America's many churches in this rich treasury of the songs that have moved and inspired generations of believers.
Insight for Living is now introducing a new selection of radio theater dramas. Thus far we have A Bethlehem Christmas, Suddenly One Morning (Easter), and David, a Man of Passion & Destiny.
For over 15 years, teachers have trusted Intelli-Tunes to deliver educational songs that make learning come alive.
These delightful songs teach standards, skills and concepts with the Power of Music.
Intelli-Tunes has songs for Preschool through 5th grade that teach beginning concepts in phonics and reading, and math, as well as word mechanics, geography, geology, meteorology, bugs and insects, English grammar, and much more.
- An engaging and entertaining series of 6 one-hour DVDs that brings historyís great inventors and their creations to life for children and families.
- In each show, the true story of a visionary genius is told through their relationship with a young person.
- From Da Vinci to Einstein the stories take place across centuries, each reflecting the intrinsic social, scientific and artistic concerns of the time. The stories, the great inventors and their history will be accessible to todayís audience because we experience each from the point of view of a young person.
INVENTORS INCLUDED: Leonardo da Vinci Marie Curie Galileo Thomas Edision Sir Isaac Newton Albert Einstein
We are out of the single DVDs except for Newton, but we have 2 complete sets of Inventors in stock.
What does Judaism have to do with Christianity? Why is it important to know about the history of the Jews? What about the feasts? The Passover? Who was Josephus? You will learn the answers to these and many other questions that will help you understand Christianity even better.
Storytelling, like drama, is a great art, and there ís nothing more exciting than hearing a master storyteller take you on a thrilling journey through a great work of literature. That is just what Jim Weiss does in this series. He captures the true spirit of the story using a variety of different voices to quote the most poignant words and passages of the work. He summarizes in such a way that you will completely understand plays of Shakespeare, tales from the Arabian Nights, and hard-to-understand Greek myths like Midas. Recommended by Mary Pride and other well-known reviewers. Jim has also recorded a number of G.A. Henty audio books. He has skillfully abridged them, but no critical information has been left out. These audio books are also listed under this category as sell as the Henty Book category.
The NEWEST ALBUM, Jonathan Park Goes to the Amazon is NOW AVAILABLE
Click here for full information on Jonathan Park Goes to the Amazon
The stories in this new series of radio adventures are based on real places and scientific discoveries--all designed to build your faith! Each set of CDs comes with a Study Guide designed to strengthen your familyís understanding of the scientific and biblical lessons taught in the Jonathan Park series.
Developed by the Institute for Creation Research and now managed by Vision Forum
Major curriculum products for Kindergarten and First and Second graders
Biblical allegories set in a medieval time period. They cover the span of time from Genesis through the 2nd return of Christ. They are full of action and adventure where swords, knights, and battles are all Biblically symbolic. The allegory teaches Godly character, the adventure captures the imagination of all ages, and the action keeps teenagers engrossed from cover to cover...even non-readers! They are GREAT read-alouds! Deep symbolism with an action story makes excellent reading for ages 8 to adult.
There is no magic, mysticism, or wizardry in The Kingdom Series.
Inspire your children with stories of the lives of great men and women.
Each title listed below is a complete, unabridged recording of a Lamplighter book, produced on an MP3 file format CD.
Phonics, spelling, grammar, audio books, books, and more
We have many foreign language products. You can search by language by clicking on the specific language you are interested in in the category listings below.
Put your children to sleep with wonderful classical music and lullabies. Also, check out our Pet Music CDs. You will love them. They really do work. We have three dogs in our office and we use them all the time. And they might even calm your kids down too!
We have lots of math CDs to choose from.
Learn about composers, music appreciation, and more. We also have piano, guitar, and recorder methods.
Baroque music with its unique rhythmic structure and stability is particularly conducive to memory, productivity and healthy, stress-free environments. Learn more about how this music can help create a better environment for learning, relaxing and concentration.
OUR VERY NEWEST The products below are the very newest additions to Sing n Learn. Some of them are "hot off the press" and some are products we have just learned about. Many of these products are NOT in our catalog. They are ONLY ON THE WEB SITE at the present time.
Take a look through these new, exciting additions to our offerings. We think youíll love them!!
Please note that we have added several completely new categories!
Songs from Psalms, Proverbs and Colossians and other verses in an album entitled Family of God. Proverbs and Colossians are sold as single DVDs. Psalms and Family of God come in a 2/DVD set.
Click to View Sample
"...All things are as they were then, except for one thing: when CBS is there, You Are There! You Are There is based on authentic historical fact and quotations. And now, on to our story....." So begin the incredibly well done Old Time Radio programs "You Are There!" originally broadcast between 1947 and 1950. And you really do feel like You Are There, the announcers report "live" from the scene of the action.
We are adding this new category because we have some awesome resources that we believe will help you in this wonderful adventure we call PARENTING. With the responsibilities of parenting, we often have added stresses and challenges that cause us to seek help from those who have gone through it before us. Here, we hope to give you encouragement and help for the task before you so that you can make it one of the most wonderful and rewarding experiences of your life.
Sing the great patriotic songs of America with these wonderful CDs

Paws and Tales is children's radio drama presented by Insight for Living, the ministry of Chuck Swindoll. The wonderful, entertaining stories teach biblical principles in a way that is both entertaining and life changing. Through story and song, each Paws & Tales episode serves up a cast of lovable animal characters who experience exciting adventures while learning important lessons to which kids of all ages can relate. And parents love em too!
Parents can use Paws & Tales as a resource for guiding their children in spiritual truths. Question and Answers to support these episodes can be downloaded off the Insight for Living web site. See "Tools for Parents."
Customer comment: "I am grateful for for all the wonderful products you provide. We have recently gotten our first taste of Paws and Tales and my kids LOVE IT! As soon as the CD ends, they are asking for the next one to be played. As a parent, I am thrilled with the messages that these wonderful stories are getting across to my children. Thank you for providing such quality products. We are sure to be long term customers." GH (CA)
We have a great variety of programs that use music to teach phonics and reading.
We have some wonderful programs for teaching piano, guitar and recorder.
You will want to look at Your Story Hour, Radio Dramas from Focus on the Family, Jim Weiss, Patch the Pirate, Jonathan Park Adventures, Paws and Tales, Sugar Creek Gang, Elsie Dinsmore, and many more.
Rock âN Learn offers award-winning programs for preschool, math, social studies, languages, and science. These educational DVDs help students boost test-taking skills and score high on state-mandated standardized tests. Easy-to-use, these entertaining DVDs get results when workbooks and other methods fail.
Spanish/English curriculum plus Singing Sight Words See our newest listings from Sara Jordan Publishing
- Character Building Songs
- Healthy Habits
- Celebrate Seasons
30th Anniversary Edition. Includes Multiplication Rock, Money Rock, Science Rock, Grammar Rock, and America Rock
We have MANY science songs and DVDs for all ages.
You will be delighted with the photography and science you and your children will learn from the wonderful science DVDs from Moody Science.
You will note that there are have HUGE decreases in the prices of the Moody Science DVDs. Take advantage of these GREAT savings.
Learning to sew with this award winning mother/daughter team is a treat. There are four books: Stitches & Pins for beginning sewing for girls Pins & Needles, intermediate sewing for girls Pintucks and Lace, advanced sewing for girls Buckles and Bobbins, a beginning sewing book for boys
ESPECIALLY TAKE NOTE OF WE SIGN FOR BABIES & TODDLERS We have two Chrismas Sign language DVDs so you and your family can learn to sign Christmas songs.
Click to View a Trailer from We Sign
Sing, Spell, Read and Write is the Cadillac of reading programs. It's FUN and it's EASY to teach. We taught both of our sons to read with it, and now our oldest grandson, age 5, has successfully completed both the Kindergarten and Level 1 (first grade) programs and he can read anything!! Our 3 year old grandchildren have started the Kindergarten program.
Learn to sing God's Word, word for word, with these delightful recordings from the Harrow family.
Can you name the 41 most common chemical elements? Do you know the three branches of government, or can you list the President's or say the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution? Can you name the countries south of the border, the countries in Africa, Russia or Europe? Do you know the Dewey Decimal System? What about naming the muscles, bones or the main body systems? Do you know the famous inventors or explorers or name famous composers and authors. What about the highest mountain ranges, continents and oceans, the solar system or states and capitals? You and your children can learn all this and more from the two volumes of Singin' Smart. Take a look at them and see what you can learn!
Songs make daily speech practice fun and easy
We have Spelling Power which is used from 2nd grade through high school as well as some music CDs for very young children.
We are also introducing SPELLING TO CLASSICAL MUSIC!!!! It's been 4 long years in the making, and it's finally here!!! 160 page book and 2 CDs!
The Story of the World History for the Classical Child by Susan Wise Bauer Audio BooksText books Activity Books The Story of the World is an award-winning resource for families looking for a history curriculum they can fall in love with. Told in the straightforward, engaging style that has become Susan Wise Bauer's trademark, this four-volume set covers the sweep of human history from ancient times until the present.
Africa, China, Europe, the Americas ó find out what happened all around the world in long-ago times. This read-aloud series is designed for parents and teachers to share with elementary school children. Enjoy it together and introduce your child to the marvelous story of the the worldís civilizations.
Children and adults will delight in this history curriculum set to music.
Whether you are in elementary or middle school and need to prepare for standardized achievement tests, or whether you are in high school preparing to take college entrance exams, we have materials that can help you.
 We have quite a few products which are especially helpful for studying Early American life in the days of the Pilgrims and Puritans and for the Thanksgiving season. There are products for both older and younger students.
Learn sounds about each weather phenomenon plus some experiments about weather.
Wee Sing America, Wee Sing Around the World, Wee Sing Bible Songs, Wee Sing More Bible Songs
HOW SHOULD WE THEN LIVE, a Worldview DVD Curriculum with Francis Schaeffer. This is Dr. Francis Schaeffer’s spectacular series on the rise and decline of Western culture from a Christian perspective. This program presents profound truths in simple language and concludes that mans only hope is a return to Gods biblical absolute--the Truth revealed in Christ through the Scriptures. This program explores art and music through the different time periods of history.
You know it is important to have your students write something every day, but you just run out of ideas. You wish you could think of something new and interesting for them to write about, but you just canít think of anything today. Well, now you have a resource to help you, and it will be years before you run out of topics again!
Volumes 1-5 and Acts of the Apostles are in the Bible Series. Volumes 6 and 7 are Historical Stories, and Volumes 8-11 are Character Building Stories. There are 10 more 6-CD albums that are a combination of historical stories and character building stories. <br /><br /> INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE
Featured Products
Pins & Needles, An Intermediate Sewing Book for Girls by JoAnn Gagnon Grades: Fourth and Above
The intermediate book, Pins and Needles, continues what Stitches and Pins started, delving into more dif...
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The K/Level 1 Combo Kit includes all the materials you need for two full years of instructions. We are now carrying all replacement parts and workbooks for Sing, Spell, Read and Write.
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Let your child take an exciting, visual journey from Earth's core to the edge of the outer atmosphere!
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IT'S HERE!!!!! It's been in the works for FOUR long years and it's here and ready to ship.
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$34.95 |
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33 songs teach the names and locations of the continents, oceans, planets and 225 countries. It includes famous landmarks and maps to label and color. Fun for all ages.
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These songs teach not only the names of the states and the capitals, but where they fit on the map because they are sung by borders: Northern, Southern, Eastern and in the Middle of the U.S.
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Counting by intervals is pre-multiplication This is just what you need to help your child make the transition from addition to multiplication. This is by the same author as Skip Count Kid (regular version) but the songs involve counting Bible characters. Most popular with home schoolers and Christian schools.
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These songs put the multiplication tables to music--not just any music--but the timeless melodies of the great classical composers. Learn the multiplication tables from 2 x 2 through 12 x 12 to great classical music.
Learn the names of all the Presidents and First Ladies sung to the tune of Sousa's "Washington Post March," and learn and some facts about our Constitution and its major principles.
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$14.95 |
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21% |
Students need to practice writing every day. They should spend at least 15 minutes a day in creative writing. Yet, how often have you heard them say, âWhat can I write about?â This book makes that problem evaporate! It provides a complete variety of writing projects that challenges them to excel as they practice writing every day!
At last, a way to learn the important facts of history in songs. These ballads make it easy! These 9 ballads tell about each major period of American history from Jamestown through Reconstruction.
Songs that teach the parts of speech and rules of punctuation and 72 Greek and Latin roots for building vocabulary. Appropriate for grades 3 - 8 or for anyone who needs help with grammar. This was always one of our favorites!
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$22.95 |
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Life Science and Biology put to music! Fun!
Learn about the human body by singing new words to old-time tunes. A musical, systematic study in 13 songs-including Skeletal, Circulatory, Digestive, Nervous, Respiratory, Muscular, Excretory, Lymph and Immune, Endocrine, Reproductive Systems and Sense Organs. Ages 9-18
Marjorie Persons has written light-hearted, educational lyrics to 127 of the worldâs most beautiful classical music themes.
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